Ocean Meets Sky


Ocean Meets Sky is a 2017 picture book written and illustrated by Terry and Eric Fan (The Fan Brothers) and published by Simon and Schuster. 

This is the Fan Brothers' second book written and illustrated by them, their first work was The Night Gardener which I also recommend. In both of these picture books the art stands out the most, they are detailed and there is a lot to discover. In Ocean Meets Sky our main character Finn is dreaming of a surreal world where items and people from the beginning of the book have been transformed (made bigger, reinvented entirely), but it never outright states it; it's up to the reader to see where these ideas in his dream are coming from.

The story itself is kept fairly simple. Finn's grandfather passed away and Finn dreams up a surreal adventure they could have had. The art is the real star here, and it's always a pleasure to pore over The Fan Brothers' illustrations.


Ocean Meets Sky keeps the plot and characters fairly simple: Finn's Grandpa has passed away, but on what would have been Grandpa's 90th birthday Finn dreams of an adventure him and his Grandpa could have gone on. While the plot may not be the most complex, the illustrations will have the reader poring over it again and again. There are three wordless spreads in the book that allow the reader to look on and wonder, it sparks the imagination and brings the reader closer to the dreamy setting Finn has voyaged into. Those familiar with the Fan Brothers' work won't be too surprised at how beautiful the book is, their illustrations tend to be very detailed, and the subject matter often delves into imagination or the surreal as it has here and in their 2016 picture book The Night Gardener. The dustjacket and cloth cover are also quite beautiful, with something akin to gold-leaf lettering on the dustjacket and illustrations of several objects and creatures on the cloth covering of the book. The simplicity of the text, and the depth of the illustrations allow the reader to take time in the book, and for those that may be in a similar situation to Finn, losing a grandparent of loved one, they may find comfort in those pages and feel closer to them as Finn has with his Grandpa.
